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Iolanda Ribeiro
PhD (University of Minho)
Department of Applied Psychology
  Assistant Professor
   253 604601
Iolanda Ribeiro is an Assistant Professor at the School of Psychology of the University of Minho. She completed her PhD in Educational Psychology at the University of Minho, in 1997. She was the Coordinator of the Master's degree in School Psychology at the Institute of Education and Psychology, University of Minho, and Coordinator of the Psychological Consultation on Learning and School Achievement (Center of Consultation on Psychology and Human Development, University of Minho). She is the Coordinator of GILLE [Grupo de Investigação em Linguagem, Leitura e Escrita] - Research Group in Language, Reading and Writing.
She has published internationally on issues related to reading, with more than 20 articles in international peer-reviewed journals. She is currently completing the adaptation to Brazil of an intervention program in the area of emergent literacy.
Her national publications, in co-authorship, include: a) standardized reading assessment tests for elementary school students; b) intervention programs for children aged 4-5 years old; c) programs aiming the development and promotion of reading comprehension for students from 3rd to 6th grade. More recently, she published a digital intervention program for reading disabilities. She is co-author of 47 books and 27 chapters.
She was the principal investigator of projects financed by the Foundation for Science and Technology and the Foundation Calouste Gulbenkian. She also received in 2009, 2011 and 2014 the CEGOC Award for different reading assessment research works.
Reading development and acquisition
Assessemt and Intervention on reading disabilities
Reading disabilities
Selected publications
Cadime, I., Rodrigues, B., Santos, S., Viana, F. L., Chaves-Sousa, S., Cosme. M. C., & Ribeiro, I. (2016). The role of word recognition, oral reading fluency and listening comprehension in the simple view of reading: a study in an intermediate depth orthography. [ADVANCE ONLINE PUBLICATION]", Reading and Writing, N/A: NA - NA. Reading and Writing DOI
Chaves-Sousa, S., Santos, S., Viana, F. L, Vale, A. P, Cadime, I., Prieto, G., & Ribeiro, I. (2016). Development of a word reading test: Identifying students at-risk for reading problems [ADVANCE ONLINE PUBLICATION]". Learning and Individual Differences, NA: NA - NA. DOI
Ribeiro, I., Viana, F. L., Baptista, A., Choupina, C., Santos, S., Brandão, S., Cadime, I., Silva, C., Ferreira, A., Costa, L., Azevedo, H., Carvalho, M., Freitas, T., Chaves-Sousa, S., Cruz, J., Fernandes, I., Cosme, M. C., & Rodrigues, B. (2016). Ainda estou a aprender. Maia: Lusoinfo. DOI
Gayo, E., Deaño, M., Conde, A., Ribeiro, I., Cadime, I., & Alfonso, S. (2014). Effect of an intervention program on the reading comprehension processes and strategies in 5th and 6th grade students. Psicothema, 26(4), 464-470 DOI
Ribeiro, I. & Viana, F. L. (2014). BAL - Bateria de avaliação da leitura. Abordagens teóricas e opções metodológicas [Battery of Reading Assessment: Theoretical approaches and methodological options]. Lisboa: CEGOC-TEA. DOI
Estágio em Psicologia da Educação
Fundamentos de Avaliação Psicológica
Fundamentos de Avaliação Psicológica
Problemas na Aprendizagem
Projeto de Investigação em Psicologia da Educação
Psicologia da Inteligência
Psicologia da Inteligência