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José Keating
Department of Basic Psychology
  Associate Professor
   253 604246
JOSÉ BERNARDO BICUDO DE AZEREDO KEATING graduated in Psychology at the University of Porto in 1983, having obtained the António de Almeida Foundation Award for the best undergraduate student. He obtained a Master's degree in Personnel Management in 1989 and a PhD in 1993 at the Aston Business School (Birmingham, UK). He started a teaching career at the University of Porto in 1983 and began collaborating with the University of Minho in 1993. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Basic Psychology at the School of Psychology, where he was Director between 2013 and 2015. He was responsible for the development of the area of Work Organizational and Human Resources Psychology and coordinated the Work Organizational and Human Resources Psychology Doctoral Program. His present teaching and research interests are in areas of Decision Making, and he is a member of the Human Cognition Laboratory of the University of Minho.
How do we process probabilities when we know them from formal numerical descriptions or from direct, repeated experience of events?
Influences and consequences of intuitive judgments of justice.
What influences our decisions about punishment (of the agents of an injustice) or reparation (of the victims of an injustice) when we are confronted with unjust situations?
Selected publications
Silva, I., & Keating, J. (2016). Shiftwork: Impact on sleep social and family life. In P. M. Arezes, J. S. Baptista, M. P. Barroso, P. Carneiro, P. Cordeiro, N. Costa, … G. Perestrelo (Eds.), Occupational Safety and Hygiene IV (pp. 265–268). London: CRC Press - Taylor and Francis. DOI
Ferreira, A.T., Keating, J. & Silva, I. (2010) Managers Perceptions about Employees Acceptance of HR Practices and Its Interactions with Modifications in the HR System. In Menon, S.T. (ed.) Competing Values in an Uncertain Environment: Managing the Paradox, Shreveport, LA:ISSWOV, pp 70-76. DOI
Gomes, A., Caetano, A., Keating, J., Cunha, M.P., Eds (2000) Organizações em Transição: contributos da Psicologia do Trabalho e das Organizações, Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade. DOI
Keating, José, Silva, I. & Almeida, H. (1999) Gestão de recursos humanos em pequenas e médias empresas: estudo de um caso. Psicologia, XIII (1/2), 237-255. DOI
Keating, J. (1996) “Estratégia e processo estratégico” Psicologia: Investigação e Prática, nº1. DOI
Cognição Social
Cognição Social
Contextos de Aplicação em Cognição Humana
Estágio de Investigação em Cognição Humana
Julgamento e Tomada de Decisão
Projeto de Investigação em Cognição Humana
Projeto em Psicologia do Trabalho e das Organizações
Psicologia das Organizações
Temas de Investigação em Psicologia do Trabalho e das Organizações