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Isabel Silva
Department of Applied Psychology
  Assistant Professor
   253 604 238
Isabel S. Silva is an Assistant Professor at the School of Psychology of University of Minho, where she did a PhD in Psychology of Work and Organizations. She has developed her academic activity – teaching, research and interaction with society – in the field of Psychology of Work, Organizations and Human Resources.
The impact of working conditions on occupational health and safety, particularly shiftwork, has been one of the main areas of interest throughout her academic career. Another area of interest focuses on work-life balance (particularly work-family balance), namely on the study of organizational policies and practices that may influence and promote that interface.
Working Conditions
Occupational Health Psychology
Work/family balance
Psychosocial risks
Selected publications
Silva, I. S. (2012). As condições de trabalho no trabalho por turnos: Conceitos, efeitos e intervenções [The working conditions in shift work. Concepts, effects and interventions]. Lisboa: Climepsi Editores. DOI
Sousa, S. Silva, I. S., Veloso, A., Tzafrir, S., & Enosh, G. (2014). Client’s violence toward social workers. TÉKHNE - Review of Applied Management Studies, 12, 69-78. DOI
Silva, I. S., Dias, C., & Brandão, A. (2015). Promoting the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Illustration of critical aspects based on an intervention in the real world. In P. Arezes et al. (Eds.), Occupational Safety and Hygiene III (pp. 359-363). London: Taylor & Francis Group. DOI
Roque, H., Veloso, A., Silva, I., & Costa, P. (2015). Estresse ocupacional e satisfação dos utentes com os cuidados de saúde primários em Portugal/Occupational stress and clients‘ satisfaction with Health Primary Care in Portugal. Revista Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 20(10), 3087-3097. DOI
Silva, I. S., Santos, G., Brandão, A., Ruivo, S., & Lima, J. (2015). Work-family management: Reflections on the effectiveness of Family-Friendly Practices and Policies. In W. D. Nelson (Ed.), Advances in Business and Management (Vol. 8) (pp. 79-94). New York: Nova Publishers. DOI
Modelos de Intervenção Psicológica em Contextos Sociais
Modelos de Intervenção Psicológica em Contextos Sociais
Modelos de Intervenção Psicológica em Contextos Sociais
Modelos de Intervenção Psicológica em Contextos Sociais
Projeto em Psicologia do Trabalho e das Organizações
Psicologia da Saúde Ocupacional
Psicologia do Trabalho
Psicologia do Trabalho e das Organizações
Psicologia Ocupacional e Psicossociologia
Temas de Investigação em Psicologia do Trabalho e das Organizações