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Our Projects​​​

Femicide in the context of intimate relationships in Portugal

The research project "Femicide in the context of intimate relationships in Portugal" arise from a shared effort of a group of partners of which are part the Polícia Judiciária [Judiciary Police], o Departamento de Investigação e Ação Penal [Department of Investigation and Penal Action], the Escola de Psicologia da Universidade do Minho [School of Psychology of University of Minho] and the Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz [Superior Institute of Health Sciences Egas Moniz]. Having in consideration the international and national state of art on this field, this project is based on the following research questions: 1) What are the risk factors of violence present in cases of femicide?; 2) What is the profile of the male murderer in intimate relationships?; 3) What is the profile of the victims of femicide? and 4) Which are the characteristics of the homicidal behavior and criminal dynamics in these cases? The data collection for this study is being carried out through the analysis of judicial processes that occurred between 2010 and 2015 in which the defendants were convicted of murder. The systematization of the information of the judicial processes is being performed using a variable collection grid previously built and tested, which includes the analysis of sociodemographic data of the murderer and the victim; the risk factors of the murderer and the victim; information on the relationship victim-murdered and, finally, the homicidal behavior characteristics and criminal dynamics. ​​This study intends to contribute to a deeper scientific knowledge about femicide in Portugal, in order to improve the practices of assessment and intervention in these cases and to contribute to the prevention of this particularly violent crime. "

Human Trafficking Project

Our research programs on the topic of human trafficking include until now: 1) the evaluation of the II National Plan Against Trafficking in Human Beings (II NPATHB) - 2011-2013; 2) the analysis the factors that contribute for a reduced rate of conviction for this crime in Portugal, from the documentary analysis of court cases initiated by trafficking between 2007 and 2015 - Matos, M. & Maia, A. (Coord.) (2015). Tráfico de Pessoas e Tramitação Criminal. Lisboa, CIG. In addition, the discourse of justice professionals on the criminal procedure was also the subject of our scientific attention. At the same time, our research team have been developed other studies in order to assess the knowledge, beliefs and perceptions about this crime, in different target populations, including college students, criminal police, technicians of social, health professionals and judges, as well studies in the community.

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GAM project - intervention groups with women victims of domestic violence

The GAM project – Intervention groups with women's victims of domestic violence, over its two years of implementation aimed the development and implementation of a mode of innovative intervention at the level of institutional support responses: a group intervention with victims of domestic violence. Implemented groups revealed to be a therapeutic successes, making it clear that changes were achieved mainly through the reduction of symptoms and an increase in personal and social skills. Still on the implementation of the groups, we consider important to reveal that the assessment of satisfaction of participants was extremely positive both about the impact or the importance of the group in the lives of these women's. In addition to the implementation of therapeutic groups, this pilot project led to the composing of the GAM manual entitled Domestic Violence: group intervention with women victims, which aims to establish itself as a benchmark for good practice in group intervention with women victims of domestic violence.

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Stalking in Portugal: Prevalence, Impact and Intervention

The Stalking project in Portugal: Prevalence, Impact and Intervention took place over two years and emerge due to the total absence of knowledge about this subject in Portugal and due to the international recommendations that suggested to put this phenomenon on the agendas. This project took place in two distinct phases. The first phase was the implementation of the Stalking Survey in Portugal, a study that aimed to determine the prevalence of stalking victimization in the Portuguese population, with data collected throughout the national territory with a representative sample. The objectives of this study were: to know the prevalence; to characterize the dynamics (e.g., frequency, behaviors, impact); to recognize the support resources and their usefulness and to identify the risk factors for stalking. In a second moment the focus was on stalking training for support professionals, with the objective of promoting awareness about stalking, implementing a training program on stalking intervention, and developing and disseminating good practices manual for professionals.

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